Sail number : 1993


Name of Yacht: TEMERAIRE Photo 1 - Photo 2...
Request date : 2019-06-30
Launch year :1963
Designer : P. Nicholson
Design year : 1959
Builder : Camper and Nicholson
Class name : Nicholson 36
Usual place of sailing : Devon

Declared dimensions :
Lenght Over All (LH) = 11.05 m
Length on the Water Line (LWL) = 7.92 m
Max width (BH) = 2.90 m
Draft (TE) = 1.80 m
Displacement factor (FD) = 7.354

Correction factor calculation

Type of rig : bermudian sloop = 1
Hull: classic 2
C2 = -0.03 Kref = 0.179
C2a = 0.097
Performance group : Performance class 3 = 0
Vintage bonus (build): 1963 = 0.021
Vintage bonus (design): 1959 = 0.016
Cumulative vintage bonus: 0.037
Hull material : other = 0.05
Mast material : wood/aluminium/steel = 0
Boom material : wood/aluminium/steel = 0
Mast or boom total penality (D. : 0
Year of mast change : 2008 = 0.015
Year of spar change : 2008 = 0.007
Sails material : type 2 = 0
Propeller type : tripale = -0.14
Winches ? : with = 0

Correction factor (C)= 1.021
Max foresail area: 38.68 m²
Genoa HLU = 12.39 ; HLP = 5.98

Main total area: 31.96 m²
Mainsail P = 11.03 ; E = 5.04

Larger downwindsail area:
SL / ALE = 12.36, SL / ALU = 12.36,
SHW / AMG = 7.02, SFL / ASF = 6.83
Area: 71.91 m²

Use of big-boy, tall-boy, spinnaker staysails or other special sails in association with the spinnaker = to be declared

RATING ( Rc ): 7.4498

Time corrected Factor ( Ftc ): 0.8647

The delivery of a JCH certificate does not have to be understood as the elligibility of the boat to classic regattas.
Elligibility to a specific regatta is governed by the elligibility rules the organizers has decided and have displayed in the Notice of Race.

Certification commission :

Conseil JCH

Date of certificate :


JCH commission member :

Costalas Peter

Certificate number :
